
New Year Update

Our WaveWalker 1 Walking jackup has now successfully arrived in Brazil and is currently walking in the waters off the Port of Suape.

Wavewalker 1 departed Holland on the 5th November 2012 on a flat top barge, in just 4 weeks she had arrived in the port of Suape and made ready for clearance and mobilisation of drilling and ancillary equipment.

As previously reported, the Wavewalker 1 is currently working on a Van Oord project supporting drilling and blasting works in order to deepen the Suape Outer Channel, a contract awarded to Van Oord in 2011.

Wavewalker BV is very proud to have reached this milestone, and its great to see WaveWalker 1 now operating and walking as intended. For further details please contact us, info@wavewalkerbv.com